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News Roundup (Fall 2018)

Happy New Year's Eve to everyone at Central Austin! As we wrap up 2018, let's take a moment to recognize our club's achievements this fall.

1. Education

A big, hearty thanks first goes to Ja-Andre, Xiaochuan, and Taylor. They developed our New Member Orientation and revamped our mentorship program.

I believe, as a result, many new members achieved an easy start on Pathways. We even got to celebrate several Level 1 and Level 2 awards!

Speaking of celebration, we claimed a record number of education awards this fall. Please congratulate our members:

Troy Bartlett; CC, PI1, PI2

David Bell; ALB

Raymond Borrego; EC1, EC2

Taylor Courtney; IP1

Tanmay Kayande; CC

Ja-Andre Lamar; CC

Isaac Lee; CL

Lisa Lessenger; IP1, IP2

Newton Liu; CC

Lorenzo Peve; VC2

John Reese; CC

Ros Respecia; DL1

This was possible due to our willingness to change meeting format to reflect our increased club size. In case you did not know, Central Austin Toastmasters is the only club that presents 4 speakers each meeting, all in 1 hour.

2. Membership

I sincerely thank everyone at Central Austin Toastmasters. Our club exists and thrives because of you and of your willingness to help one another.

We met 25 new friendly faces this fall, many of whom have lent much support in running our meetings and welcoming our guests. Please say hello to:

Maria Ayala

Suresh Bikki

Robyn Canard

Xochilt Chavez

Ryan Comer

Miguel Delgado

Patrice Drake

Austen Fulmer

Mei Fung

Shreya Gupta

Nadia Hernandez

Mike Johnson

Rahul Kahol

Lisa Lessenger

Ankur Mathur

Bill Paul

Lorenzo Peve

Oxana Romanyuk

Jen Searight

Harshith Settyhalli

Brian Shade

Kuntal Sindha

Kevin Shiflet

Elaine Stegant

Sandra Zaragoza

3. Public Relations

Troy, Lisa, and Maria revived our Facebook group, so that we can create personal friendships in addition to professional ones on LinkedIn.

We got to showcase our club to the district by running the Golden Gavel meeting. Also, various members got to lead festivity specials and showcase their creativity on Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

Thanks again to everyone at Central Austin for making 2018 our best year yet. I'm looking forward to continue to help you meet your goals in Toastmasters. I hope that you are as well. See you at our first meeting on January 7, 2019!


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