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What Is Pathways?

Starting February 2018, Central Austin Toastmasters will adopt Pathways, the new Toastmasters education program. We will keep our familiar meeting format (i.e. speeches, Table Topics, then evaluations), but may see members working on different speech goals for Pathways projects. Members who join our club in February will begin Pathways immediately.

Current members can choose to start over with Pathways or continue with their current education program. Those who continue have until May 2022 to finish their communication and leadership tracks, which includes earning Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award. I encourage everyone to speak to me and fellow members to help you decide what to do.

Pathways provides 10 paths in the hopes of tailoring your communication and leadership goals:

  • Motivational Strategies

  • Presentation Mastery

  • Leadership Development

  • Innovative Planning

  • Visionary Communication

  • Strategic Relationships

  • Dynamic Leadership

  • Persuasive Influence

  • Effective Coaching

  • Team Collaboration

Each path is considered done when you complete 10 required and 4 elective projects, out of a list of many. A path is further divided into 5 levels to indicate your status:

Level 1. Mastering Fundamentals

Level 2. Learning Your Style

Level 3. Increasing Knowledge

Level 4. Building Skills

Level 5. Demonstrating Expertise

You will earn the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award when you complete 2 paths. Throughout your journey, you will often use Base Camp, a hub that handles social aspects such as badges and feedback.

During the transition years, the Distinguished Club Program goals can be met by satisfying either set of education goals.

For new members, the structure of membership cost remains the same: a one-time $20 fee to cover registration and first path, a prorated, biannual fee of $45, and club dues. The second path will cost $20, while printed materials (optional) will be $25 per path.


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